Here's some Mercedes-Benz tool kits that I think are complete, and I'm relatively sure of the application.  

Some are for sale (inquire), some are for reference only.  I'll add to this page if there's any interest in maintaining it as a reference guide.

tools84190d.jpg (67889 bytes)  W201, '84 190D

W123gastools.jpg (28058 bytes)  W123 230/280E (gas)

W126 diesel tools.jpg (21892 bytes)  W126 300SD/SDL

tools84240d.jpg (73361 bytes)  W123, '83 240D  $50

300E-TE-CEtools.jpg (26340 bytes)  W124 300E/TE/CE (gas)

tools85300td.jpg (74125 bytes)  W123, '85 300TD  There's some oddball stuff in here, and in this case, I'm certain it's "correct".

84-86190E2.3.jpg (60985 bytes)  W201, '84-'86 190E 2.3  $60  tools87190E23.jpg (61186 bytes)  Here's the same missing the screwdriver.

87-93190E2.3-2.6.jpg (65261 bytes)  W201, '87-'93 190E 2.3 & 2.6  The only difference in this and the one directly above is the guide pin for changing a tire.  The earlier (pre-'87 cars) had the guide pin stuck in a lug hole of the spare rim with a piece of foam rubber instead of in the tool roll.


BMWtoolkit.jpg (66436 bytes)  BMW tool kit.  I needed a place to stick the picture for an eBay auction.  Sorry. $35


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